Today, E-Commerce is one of the fastest-growing industries, and it continues to grow by the day. As a jewellery business, it is unlikely you will be the only person selling the genre of jewellery you are selling, whether it be handmade jewellery, or perhaps antique jewellery that you have personally resolved yourself, there are so many people competing within the same markets. The key for any business is to sell to its consumers, and this is simply not possible without knowing exactly who your target market is.
Perhaps you have already built up a good client base through in-person referrals, however, if you expect your jewellery business to scale online you must confirm who your ideal customers are. There are many ways you can do this, and we have gathered the baseline points that must be addressed today.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What Is Your Niche?
First thing first, you must put an exact label on the genre of jeweller you will be selling online. Whilst you might have multiple collections to sell, make things easy for yourself in the beginning. If your jewellery is handmade and custom, consider that your niche. On the other hand, if you are skilled at sourcing vintage engagement rings on request for customers, that will be your niche. Lock down your niche, then consider what consumers may buy your products.
Who Are Your Direct Competitors?
A good way to start seeking out who your target market is is to confirm who your direct competitors are. Direct competitors are the best source of information you can have for a new online jewellery business, as they have already completed all of the work that is required for your niche. Take a look into what type of customers they tend to target through their likes and followers, and this might give you an idea as to which audience will be the most profitable for your niche.
Who Is Your Ideal Consumer?
Additionally, you need to confirm who your ideal customer is. You might learn this through your past experiences designing with clients and taking notes on what genre of customers were returning for more business or offering referrals to friends. Consider what type of customer will be the most qualified, from age group to gender. You should also consider your price ranges and also whether your chosen audience will be able to afford the pieces you have set.
Where Do You Want To Sell?
To determine what type of audience will be best for you, you should also confirm where you are planning to sell your products. For example, some bespoke jewellery companies only sell through requests on online platforms like Instagram or Facebook. These online platforms might not be best for selling expensive and bespoke antique engagement rings, as more qualified customers may be searching for such investments through online searches. Get your platforms set up, and confirm which audience will be best to target through each.
What is Your USP?
Finally, you need to differentiate what your unique selling point is from your competitors which will entice your audiences to come to your business. Perhaps you offer engraved features that your direct competitors do not offer, or perhaps you hand-make your jewellery pieces so they do not look anything like your competitors. Whatever your USP is, make sure that it entices a qualified audience to your business that will increase sales and credibility of your online jewellery business.