Gene Simmons is celebrating his daughter Sophie Simmons’ engagement to boyfriend James Henderson.
The legendary KISS rocker posted a photograph of himself — in full KISS make-up and costume — together with his arm round his 30-year-old daughter to share the information Monday on Instagram.
“Sophie little obtained engaged this week,” wrote the proud dad, including the sign-of-the-horn emoji well-liked with arduous rock lovers.
Gene Simmons, 72, who shares Sophie Simmons and son Nick Simmons, 33, with spouse Shannon Tweed, 65, additionally re-shared his son’s put up about his little sister’s engagement in his Instagram story.
Subsequent to a photograph
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When Andrew Wolgemuth served in Afghanistan, his comrades in his special operations platoon came to depend on him for a particular skill set and base of knowledge: diamond engagement rings.
“A bunch of Rangers in my platoon were at that point in their life where they wanted to get engaged,” says Wolgemuth. “They want this idea of, they’re fresh off a combat deployment, and all of the wives, girlfriends, family members are standing there with signs and they get to walk up, drop to a knee and propose.”
Only one thing stood between them and that perfect off-the-plane and drop-the-knee