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‘It looks like a Super Bowl ring’

A woman on TikTok has started a debate after declaring that men need to stop buying a specific type of engagement ring for women.

Melissa Watkins (@fabglance) made a video saying that men consistently give women cluster diamond rings, and that women need to stop accepting such jewelry.

“We need to stop letting these men buy us cluster diamond rings,” she said.

Watkins’ video received over 450,000 views and several people agreed with him — in the comments and in separate videos.

“If someone is giving you a cluster diamond, they don’t love you. Fight that man at dawn!” said @savagesouthernbella.

“No woman wants it,” said Jasmine Ellis (@jasmineelliscomedy) in a stitched video. “It’s the ring that appeals to the male brain. …All I see when I see that ring is a woman who gave up.”

The people in Ellis’ comments went one step further with their slander of the ring.

“It looks like a superbowl ring,” @terrajules said.

However, not everyone agreed with this notion, as some people preferred the cluster design.

“I picked out my own cluster ring & I love it,” said @mssfrenchkiss.

Another point of contention some people had was the idea that as long as their partner proposed, they would accept the ring.

“One question is you saying women should say no to the Proposal or no to the ring,” asked @airforcehigh2.0.

Watkins responded to him in a separate video trying to clarify his stance about how important the ring truly is.

“I am not going to say no to the proposal because I love my partner and I am happy he is proposing,” Watkins said. “But when we get home, we’re going to have a discussion about the ring if I don’t like it.”

Overall, Watkins tried to make two things clear. The first is that marriage between partners is more important than the proposal or the ring. Secondly, despite that sentiment, cluster diamond rings should not be separated from the proposal.

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