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Agawam to consider revising jewelry policy to allow piercings in physical education

AGAWAM — The Agawam School Committee is considering loosening policies around students who wear jewelery during physical education classes.

A revised jewelry policy would allow students to keep in piercings so long as they are secured — taped down with an adhesive bandage or tape — to mitigate injuries.

The school committee will review the new policy during Tuesday’s regularly scheduled meeting held at Agawam Junior High School at 7 pm The committee considered the proposal during a meeting in mid-December but opted to clarify when a piercing needed to be covered up.

School Committee Member Dawn DeMatteo said during the meeting on Dec. 13 the policy was not clear on whether using adhesive bandages pertained to all piercings or just new piercings in danger of closing up.

Plus, DeMatteo said, the policy will only affect gym class only and not affect students in sports programs.

Mayor William Sapelli told The Republican the original policy was adopted in June 2004 that required students to remove all piercings before gym class.

The main reason the policy was brought forward was because piercings were getting caught on clothing and ripped out, he said.

Additionally, individual cases can be reviewed by physical education teachers and staff.

“There is always an exception,” Sapelli said.