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Department of Health and Social Care

What a smokefree New Zealand looks like to me is that everyone is healthy and active and that people’s lives will be longer. The second outcome is to ensure our tamariki and rangatahi never start smoking and remain smokefree. We can support them to make the right choices by helping their parents, whānau, and the adults around them to quit smoking. Making sure there is Māori leadership and decision-making across all levels of the action plan. As part of this focus area, we’re standing up a taskforce to make sure the action plan is …

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Featured Resources & Initiatives

Your Health Your Decisions. Our Support.

Send an invitation from the Sharing tab and the recipient can easily choose which data you can see, and start sharing. To ensure that people have full transparency and control, they will periodically get reminders that they are sharing Health data. These reminders give them the opportunity to review what they’re sharing, see who they’re sharing it with, and possibly choose to stop sharing. REM sleep is where you experience dreaming, and studies show it may play a key role in memory.

  • Due to the role of sleep in regulating metabolism, insufficient sleep may